Bought this Diane von Furstenberg dress at Scoop in Meatpacking the other day. Love the rich velvet and a-symmetrical shape. Animal print has never really been my thing, but I find my self buying it more lately. I especially love the styles where the print is more obscure, like on this dress. It can also be worn as a top, which will work nicely with black leather leggings. I also bought a leopard print fake fur, (not obscure at all!!) at Century 21 just for fun! I feel almost vulgar wearing it, but love it at the same time. Makes me think of Alabama in the movie True Romance, her style was definitely tacky, but also cool in a way! Might post a pic of the jacket later.. Time to get ready for "the last supper" of 2009, cheers to the new year!
Pics via google